Digital Citezenship Resources

As part of my first assignment for the living and learning with technology for my Secondary Education course, my tutor has asked us to find three useful resources that will help students learn about safe, responsible and ethical use of the internet, relevant to our teaching level (mine being secondary).

Safe Use of the Web
The home page of 'Get Safe Online' describes the possible risks of using the internet, such as malware, phishing, fraud, copyright infringements and inappropriate content. This website is a good resource for some great tips on how to check and prevent possible malicious content and behaviours when using the internet. If you explore the website further than simply reading the home page, there are more useful ways listed to protect yourself when using the internet, how to prevent cyberbullying and keeping your information secure.

Responsible Use of the Web
Understanding how to write and share resources on the internet responsibly is a major aspect of a students life, 'Writing Responsibly on the Internet' is a blog post by Owen Fourie that describes a students responsibility to write with correct grammar and punctuation on the internet to avoid potential misunderstanding and misuse of information.

Ethical Use of the Web
Students will need to make sure that they correctly acknowledge the works of others on the internet when researching for information. This can be done by using correct referencing and citing. 'WriteCheck' has some very useful tips on how to avoid plagiarism and to reference information correctly and ethically.


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